Increase your Fitness Program Efficiency

Having a set number of workouts each week is essential for improving the efficacy of a fitness program. Two aerobic workouts and three anaerobic workouts are generally regarded as the minimum number of training sessions per week. Three training sessions per week can be substituted for them if they are combined (two combined and one aerobic).

Increasing the number of weekly training sessions leads to better and faster results. Their maximum would be four aerobic force training sessions and six resistance training sessions (aerobic). Even less than the bare minimum of training could result in memory loss and physical decline. Overtraining and physical exhaustion could result from exercising more than what is recommended.

One of a fitness trainer’s responsibilities is to customize program frequency to determine the ideal periodicity for each trainee.
Correctly executing the exercises is another element that can boost a training program’s effectiveness. Even if the programme that includes those exercises is well thought out, scheduled on time, and customized, using the incorrect technique will quickly lead to worse results.

In addition to getting poor results, someone who lacks good training techniques puts themselves at risk of sometimes very serious accidents ( hernia, stroke, etc.).

The breathing technique that goes along with the movements must also be mastered and performed automatically by the learner. In this manner, the athlete will conserve mental energy that he can use for achieving the proper intensity, concentrating on the muscle that is the target of a specific exercise, performing movements repeatedly under force, etc.

Any new exercise needs time and patience to be properly assimilated before being added to a sportsperson’s repertoire of exercises.
Hydration requires special attention in addition to a well-balanced diet (carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids in a 4:1:1 ratio in grams per kilogram of food principles). The effectiveness of a fitness program has increased as a result of proper body hydration. The body needs to be properly hydrated before, throughout, and the following exercise.

It is important to avoid experiencing thirst, as this would only be a delayed sign of dehydration. Mineral water, herbal teas, fruit, fresh juice, isotonic beverages, energizers, and other liquids can all be used.

Be cautious when consuming beverages that hasten dehydration. Among the liquids in this category are alcoholic and caffeinated beverages. They accelerate dehydration by forcing up diuresis, which is also naturally influenced by training (especially by aerobic training).

The biorhythm, which varies from person to person, is another element that needs to be taken into account. Thus, training must be scheduled for when physical performance is at its peak, a period that is directly related to an increase in body temperature.