Risk Factors for Depression

A risk factor is something that increases the likelihood that something will happen. It merely suggests that it might happen, not that it will. You run a higher risk of having an illness or disease the more risk factors you have.

Every person is different, but there are considerable medical, psychological, or environmental factors that can cause depression.

You could be more likely to experience depression yourself if mental illness or depression run in your family. A child who has depressed parents is more likely to have depression, especially in adolescence when depressive triggers are more prevalent.

People with serious physical problems or persistent pain are more likely to experience depression than people who are physically healthy. Major depressive episodes can be brought on by both the prescription medications used to treat these disorders and persistent, excruciating pain.

Your physical and mental health may alter as a result of such changes. Depression is more likely to develop among those who have experienced substantial bodily changes like stroke, HIV/AIDS, heart attacks, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, or other major illnesses.

Having a significant life change is another aspect that can contribute to depression. Moving, purchasing or selling a home, changing jobs, getting divorced, or getting married again. The loss of a spouse, a loved one, or a cherished pet are all painful events, as are stressful work situations.

Your risk of experiencing a major depressive episode is significantly higher if you’ve already experienced one.

People with little or no social support or contact frequently experience depression. Young women raising young children at home may report feeling depressed and alone. Meeting up with other mothers in play groups might help mothers who are depressed and reduce their loneliness. People who have poor self-esteem and a gloomy outlook on the world are more likely to experience depression than people who have strong self-esteem and an optimistic outlook.

Although the causes of depression differ, having a low socioeconomic status can increase your risk of becoming one. Depression is more prevalent in this population, whether it is because of monetary stress, a sense of reduced social standing, cultural challenges, or just regular stress.

Women are more likely than males to experience depression, but it’s unclear whether this is because more women than men experience depression or because women are more inclined to seek help or even confess that they need it.

Due to declining health, loneliness, loss of mobility, chronic pain, or grief, being over 65 increases your risk of developing depression, and older people are less inclined to confess they need treatment.

You run a very significant chance of developing serious depression if you have trouble sleeping and it becomes chronic. A good night’s sleep is crucial for keeping good health, so if you have trouble falling asleep, you should get help right away to prevent things from getting worse.

There are numerous risk factors for depression, but happily it is a treatable mental health condition. Your doctor can help you determine whether medication or counseling is in your best interests.