Top 8 Most Talked About Weight Loss Myths

Here are a few more urban legends that we’ve been trained to believe over time. Experts offer their opinions on the truth behind each of these wild tales.

Carbohydrates in general are unhealthy for you and should be avoided at all costs. TRUE: Carbohydrates have a moderate calorie content (having half as many as fat). Simple carbohydrates (sugar) should be consumed in moderation; complex carbs, such as whole grains and starches, are more nutrient-dense. When servings are overly large, problems arise!

If the foods are low fat or fat-free, you can consume more of them. TRUTH: Just because something is low fat or fat-free doesn’t mean it’s calorie-free. When fat is removed, sugar and other carbs are usually added to retain the flavor.

Dairy products are high in fat and should be avoided at all costs. TRUTH: Dairy products include high-quality protein, which helps muscles and organs function properly, as well as calcium, which helps to strengthen bones. Low-fat dairy products are recommended for weight loss (skim or 1 percent milk and products, like cheese and yogurt).

You will gain weight if you eat after 8 p.m. TRUTH: When it comes to eating, it doesn’t matter what time of day it is. Whether you gain, lose, or maintain weight is determined by what and how much you eat, as well as how much physical activity you get during the day.

It’s more important to watch what you eat than how much you eat. TRUTH: It’s more important how much you have and how often you have it. You should attempt to eat nutritious foods in the suggested portion sizes and save high-fat, high-sugar, and high-calorie foods and beverages for special occasions.

To receive the full advantage, you must exercise for at least 45 minutes at a time. TRUTH: Adults should participate in moderate-intensity physical activity for at least 30 minutes five days a week. According to research, the activity does not have to be completed in one sitting; 30 minutes can be divided into two – 15 minute periods and still deliver the same benefits.

Vegetarians are all good eaters. TRUTH: Vegetarians consume fewer calories and fat than non-vegetarians on average. They can, however, eat a lot of high-fat, high-calorie foods as well as those with little nutritious value, which can lead to weight gain. The phrase “vegetarian” does not imply “healthy.”

You don’t need to exercise if you keep track of your food intake. TRUTH: Exercising can help you maintain or even reduce weight by increasing your lean tissue (muscle) and decreasing your fat storage. Regular physical activity, on the other hand, has many advantages beyond maintaining a healthy weight.

The best way to maintain a healthy lifestyle is to eat highly nutritious meals, pay strict attention to portion sizes (read labels), consume sweets and treats in moderation, and engage in regular physical activity. Also, double-check your facts before passing on health information to the next individual!